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Editorial Board

Co-Editor, The Reading Teacher, 2020-2024

Co-Editor, Michigan Reading Journal, August 2014- August 2017

Editorial Board, Journal of Literacy Research, 2013-present

Editorial Board, Research in the Teaching of English, 2013-present

Editorial Board, International Race and Education, 2014-present

Co-Editor, Assessment Department of The Reading Teacher, May 2007-2009

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 2000-2005

Editorial Review Board, Language Arts, 1996-2000, 2004-2006, 2010-2012

Editorial Review Board, Michigan State Reading Association Journal, 1992-2010

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, American Education Research Journal, 1997- 2001& 2006-present

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Researcher, 1998-present

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Pediatrics, December 2016. Dr. Lewis R. First, Editor-in-Chief, Pediatrics, Professor and Chair, Department of Pediatrics, University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Chief of Pediatrics, Vermont Children’s Hospital, University of Vermont Medical Center, asked me to review the an article entitled: Maternal Shared Reading Quality and Brain Function Supporting Literacy in Preschool-Age Children 

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education, 2003-2006

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 1991-1992, 1998-2001

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, National Reading Conference Yearbook (1987-1989, 1992-1994, 1997-2002)

Guest Reviewer, The Reading Teacher, 1992-1994, 1998-present

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Educational Research, 2014-present

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Sociology of Education, 2015-present

Guest Reviewer, Urban Education, 1997-2001

Guest Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transformative Education, 2013-2014

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