Honors and Awards
2023 University Distinguished Professor Award Recipient
2022 The HistoryMakers Video Oral History with Patricia A. Edwards
2020-2024—Appointed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to the Michigan PreK-12 Literacy Commission.
2020 Literacy Research Association’s (LRA) Oscar S. Causey Award Recipient for reading research
2020 Invited to serve on Parents Magazine Board of Advisors
2020 Reading Research Quarterly article spotlight in honor of Black History Month for the article “Critical Race Theory: Recognizing the Elephant and Taking Action.
2020 Michigan State University Libraries’ Faculty Authors Book Collection, March 18, 2020
2020 Interviewed by Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a national trade association of African American owned newspaper publishers and media companies.
2020 Interviewed by Dr. Katina Kearney-Edwards, Principal Associate for School Readiness Consulting. SRC is an early childhood consulting firm based in DC.
2019 AERA Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award Recipient
2019, Expert Advisor, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) Pre-Service Consortium (Information about the Consortium)
2019, Listed as a Featured Author, Teachers College Press Website
2019, Selected as a POWER (Providing Opportunities for Women in Educational Research) Ambassador. See my interview with POWER leaders.
2018 NCRLL (National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy Distinguished Scholar
2018 Legacies of Literacy Scholars with Patricia Edwards (Legacies of Literacy Scholars video series) —Recognized by the TextProject, Inc. Freddy Hiebert's non-profit organization on reading research.
2017-2018 Jeanne S. Chall Visiting Researcher Award (Harvard Graduate School of Education), September 27, 2017
2017 Delta Kappa Gamma International Society Educators Book Award, July 12, 2017
2017 Accepted for Inclusion into Wikipedia
2017 Michigan State University Libraries’ Faculty Authors Book Collection, April 20, 2017
2017, Invited by Michigan State University’s Honors College to serve as part of the “Get to Know our Faculty and Community Educators” series, August 24, 2017 & October 11, 2017
2017 Selected as a Literacy Expert to participate in a What’s Hot, What’s Not National Survey, February 3, 2017
2016 Business Fellowship Consultant, Rice University, September 10, 2016
2015 Center on Innovation in Learning, Innovator Expert, June 2015
2015 Michigan Reading Association Teacher Educator Award, March 2015
2015—present Invited to serve as a member for the Advisory Board of the New International Race and Education Book
2014 IRA Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award, May 2014
2014 Honorary Membership, Literacy & Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, May 2014
2013 –2016 Invited to serve as a member of the Reading Research Quarterly’s Editorial Consulting Board. There are three major responsibilities that the International Reading Associations ask of RRQ's Editorial Consulting Board members:
Continue as an exceptional reviewer by reviewing four or five manuscripts per year.
Help us identify key scholars who might serve as ad hoc reviewers when manuscripts have received widely disparate reviews and when we might need guest reviewers to address issues that are outside the current expertise of the review board.
Provide advice and comments to us, the editors, as we strive to maintain and build on the rich history of RRQ as the premier journal for quality research on reading and literacy. We envision a yearly discussion that will focus on the impact of the journal and ways to ensure that it is making a significant difference in the field of reading. November 2013
2013 Invited by Alan Burstein, Founder & COE, Future Teachers of America to develop video lectures about Best Practices for Teaching Reading. December 2013
2013 Invited to become a University-Community Senior Fellows at University Outreach and Engagement (UOE) at Michigan State University. April 3, 2013
2013, Invited by Dr. Willis D. Hawley, Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Maryland, Director, Teaching Diverse Student Initiative, Southern Poverty Law Center and Dr. Jacqueline Irvine, Professor Emeritus Emory University to evaluate the widely used teacher evaluation protocol developed by Charlotte Danielson and her associates. Drs. Hawley and Irvine wrote a paper that suggested how infusing some of the culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) related to practices could enrich the rubrics that defined “distinguished” teaching. They sent me a small number of rubrics from the instrument and asked me to do two things: (1) suggest changes in wording and (2) relevant research for each rubric that I thought could be modified. October 2013.
2013, Invited to join the Faculty Row network. Faculty Row has been recognized by the Chronicle of Higher Education and is currently considered the top professional network for academics globally. Faculty Row allows accomplished academics to connect and share ideas globally. The Faculty Row community is rich with Fulbright Scholars, TED Speakers, and Academic Diplomats from universities around the world. October 2013
2012 Albert J. Kingston Award, Literacy Research Association, December 2012
2012 Elected Member, Reading Hall of Fame, International Reading Association, May 2012
2012 Featured Speaker, World Literacy Summit, Oxford University, April 3, 2012. I was selected to be interviewed about my presentation at the World Literacy Foundation Summit at Oxford University in April 2012.
2011 Edward B. Fry Book Award, Literacy Research Association for Change is Gonna Come: Transforming Literacy Education for African American Children (Teachers College Press), 2010
2010 Scholastic Heroes Award, Scholastic Publishing Company.
2009 National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) Scholar in Residence, November 19, 2009.
2009, Mentor for the Literacy Research Association, STAR Mentoring Program.
2008 Senior University Outreach Fellow, Michigan State University, March 2008.
2007 Founding Board Member of the Your Child 50 (c)3 invited to seek my input and expertise to improve Michigan’s culture of education.
Selected in 2007 by the U.S. Department of Education (i.e., National Institute for Literacy) to serve as an expert panelist/consultant on the National Institute for Literacy Projects funded to the Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) located in Newton, MA.
2006 Fulbright Senior Specialist, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, (FSB), The Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Department of State of (ECA), and the Council International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), 2006-2011.
2001 Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University, February 13, 2001.
2001 Distinguished Honors Reception, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., September 7, 2001.
2001 Scholarship Award, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., March 5, 2001.
In honor of receiving the 2001 Distinguished Faculty Award, Raymond Ray Jacob, Mayor of the City of Donaldsonville proclaimed February 13, 2001 “Dr. Patricia Edwards Day” in the City of Donaldsonville, Louisiana.
In honor of receiving the 2001 Distinguished Faculty Award, Roy Quezaire, Jr., State Representative, District No., 58, State of Louisiana House of Representatives sent me “An Expression of Commendation” on February 13, 2001.
Mentor, Rockefeller Brothers Fund's leadership program for minority students entering the teaching profession, October 1997 - October 2000.
1997 Fellow status in the National Council on Research in Language and Literacy (NCRLL) in recognition of my outstanding contribution to research in language and literacy, award given at the International Reading Association, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7, 1997.
1997 Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, An International Honor Society in Education, Michigan State University, April 20, 1997.
1996 Woman of Distinction by the Michigan Capitol Girl Scout Council, October 1996.
1995 School of Education Alumni Achievement Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 13, 1995.
1995 Phi Delta Kappa Educator of the Year Award, Michigan State University Chapter, April 25, 1995.
Awardee at the 1994 Annual Celebrate Teaching and Learning Dinner, sponsored by the Lilly Teaching Fellows and CIERT (UCAP Committee on Improvement, Evaluation and Rewards for Teaching), The Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, April 28, 1994.
1993-1994 Teacher-Scholar Award, Michigan State University, February 1994.
1992 Michigan Reading Association Celebrate Literacy Award, March 1992.
1991 Outstanding African American Alumni Recipient, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 1991.
1989 Saluted by Louisiana Congressman Clyde Holloway in the U.S. House of Representatives for my work in family/intergenerational literacy. This salute was cited in the Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 101st Congress, First Session, Vol. 135, No. 17, February 23, 1989,
1987 Legislative Testimony Training Program Awardee, sponsored by the Society for Research in Child Development and the Mailman Foundation, July 1987.
W. K. Kellogg National Fellow, 1983-1986.
Faculty Development Award, Louisiana State University, 1987-1988.
Distinguished Scholar for the Fifteenth Annual Dennis Memorial Lecture Series, Albany State College, Albany, Georgia, January 21-25, 1986.
Teacher Education Faculty Development Award, Louisiana Tech University, Summer 1983.
Advanced Opportunity Fellow, University of Wisconsin, 1977-1979.
Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 1977.
Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 1977.
Ford Foundation Fellow, Duke University, Fall 1974.
Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, North Carolina A & T University, Spring 1971.
Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, North Carolina A & T University, Fall 1971