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Conference Presentations


International Level (Peer-Reviewed)


Edwards, P. A., & Domke, L. M. (April 2020). Developing teachers’ cognitive flexibility to support family engagement. Paper accepted for presentation at the 20th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnership—a co-sponsored meeting of AERA.  Canceled due to COVID 19.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2019) Advancing Collaborative Parent-Caregiver Partnerships: Equipping Teacher Candidates to

(Re)envision Family/Caregiver Needs and Interactions. Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, CA.


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. (April 2018). Parent Stories: Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom.  Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. R. (April 2018). Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom: An Intervention Study. Paper to be presented at the 19th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships. New York, NY.


Edwards, P. A., & Butler, A. (July 2016). Examining Digital Literacies in Various Contexts: From the U.S. to Kenya. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA


Puccioni, J., & Edwards, P.A. (April 2016). Understanding How Kindergarten Teachers’ Beliefs Shape their Transition Practices. Paper presented at the 18th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships. Washington, DC.


Edwards, P. A., & Butler, A. (July 2015). Enhancing graduate reading clinics with family literacy principles and common

core state standards. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, St. Louis, MO. 


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. R. (July 2015). Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom.  Paper presented at

the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association’s Reading Research Institute entitled “Newest Research on Classroom Literacy Practices, St. Louis, MO.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S. (May 2014). Are Formative Assessments Informative for All Students? Paper presented at the 59th

Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A., Piazza, S. V., & Protacio, M. S. (May 2014). Teachers Learning from Personal ESL Experiences, Developing Empathy, and Improving Classroom Practice.  Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2013).  We the People: Ensuring Literacy Achievement for Other People’s Children.  Paper presented at the

58th Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2013).  Families as Literacy Partners.  Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of  the International

Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2013).  Reading Everyone’s Child: A Top Priority.  Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the

International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S. (February 2013). The impact of family on literacy development: Convergence, controversy, and

instructional implications.  Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2012). 10 Critical Facts About Summer Reading.  Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.


Almasi, J. F., Edwards, P.A., & Hart, S. J.  (May 2012).  Waiting for Special Education: Intended and Unintended Influences

of RTI on Literacy Instruction. Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A., Lewis, T. Y., & Carson, J. (May 2012). The Impact of Core Standards on Families. Paper presented at the 57th

annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A., & Almasi, J. (July 2010).  Response to Intervention: First Year Implementation Gains and Pains. Paper presented at the 23rd World Congress on Reading, Auckland, New Zealand.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2008).  Reading and Writing from a Different Perspective: The Photo Project.  Paper presented at the 22nd

World Congress on Reading, San Jose, Costa Rica.


Edwards, P. A. (July 1998). A case for multicultural literature as school district policy: An answer to a request. This paper was

part of a symposium/panel discussion presented July 24, 1998, at the 17th World on Reading, Ocho Rios, Jamaica.




National Level (Peer-Reviewed)


Edwards, P. A. (December 2019). Parents Reading to Their Children: The Impact of Huey’s Prediction over 100 years later. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (November 2018). Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom: An Intervention Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Houston, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2017).  If I Knew Then…What I Know Now.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2017). Teachers’ Stories: Critical Narratives of Complexities and Hope. Division K – Teaching and

Teacher Education; Paper Session. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A. & White, K. (February 2017). Basal Readers and the Medicalized Discourse of Inequity. Paper presented at the Penn Ethnography, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S.V. (December 2016). The ABC’s and Impact on Literacy Coaches. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. R. (December 2016). Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.


Edwards, P.A., Protacio, M.S., Peltier, M., Hopkins, L. J. (April 2016). A Conceptual Reviews of Family Literacy Initiatives Targeting Reading Comprehension. Paper present at the annual American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S.V. (December 2015). The ABC’s and Impact on Literacy Coaches. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA. 


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. (April 2015). Parent Stories: Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.


Lazar, A. M., & Edwards, P. A. (April 2015). Social Equity Literacy Literacy Teacher: A Framework for Teacher Education. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2014). Feminization of Literacy and of LRA: What Does It Mean? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2014). Social Equity Teaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2014). So, You Are a Border Crosser—Now What?  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the

Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2013). Developing as Social Equity Literacy Teachers: Video Self-Analysis Projects that  Move Teachers Forward.  Paper presented at the 63rd Literacy Research Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (December 2012). RTI: What We Know, What We Need to Consider.  Paper presented at the 62nd Literacy Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S. V. (November 2012). High Stakes Testing: The Research.  Paper presented at the 56th  Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.


Lazar, A., Edwards, P.A., McMillon, G. T. & Piazza, S. V. (December 2012). Dialoguing About the Gap between Theory and Practice in Social Equity Literacy Teaching and What Teacher Educators Can Do About it.  Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.


Almasi, J. F., Edwards, P.A., & Hart, S. J.  (December 2011).  Waiting for Special Education: Intended and Unintended Influences of RTI on Literacy Instruction. Paper presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association,  Jacksonville, FL.


Edwards, P.A., & Piazza, S. V. (December 2011). Culturally Relevant Pedagogies: Theory and Research on Literacy in Multicultural Settings.  Paper presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association,  Jacksonville, FL.


Piazza, S. V., & Edwards, P.A. (December 2011). Theoretical Frameworks that Influence Research and Teaching in Multicultural Settings. Paper presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Jacksonville, FL


Edwards, P. A., Martin, N.M., Protacio, M.S., & Razali, A.B.M. (December 2010).  The Role of Texts/Readings in Shaping and Changing In-Service Teachers' Conceptions of Literacy. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.


Edwards, P.A., Protacio, M.S., Norman, R.R., Martin, N.M., Hawkins, L.K., & Razali, A.B.M. (December 2010). Chronicling the History of NRC through the Voices of Past Presidents.  Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.


Edwards, P. A., Li, G., & Protacio, M. S. (December 2009). Literacy Practices in an Increasingly Global Society. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Edwards, P. A., Paratore, J., & Roser, N.L. (December 2009). Family Literacy: Recognizing Cultural Significance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2009). Perspectives About Learning Among Diverse Students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2009).  Creating Sharing Time Conversations: Parents and Teachers Work Together.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Phoenix, AZ.


Edwards, P. A., & Boling, E. C. (December 2008). Improving the Preparation of Teachers of Reading in Urban Settings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (May 2008). Really Listening to Literacy Stories: Windows to Individual, Family, Community, and Socio-Culture Development.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.


Edwards, P.A., & Turner, J. D. (Mach 2008). Bridging Developmental Divides Through Teacher Vision: Lessons Learned From a Reading Methods Course. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New York City.


Edwards, P. A., & Turner, J. D. (March 2008).  Home Literacy in Teacher Education and K-12 Schools: Problems, Predicaments and Possibilities. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New York City.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2007).The Education of African American Students: Voicing the Debates, Controversies, and Solutions. NRC Presidential Address: National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2007). Stony the Road We Trod: A Nexus of Culture, Courage, and Schooling. National Reading

Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P. A., with Jennifer Turner (December 2007). Home Literacy in Teacher Education and K-12 Classrooms: Problems, Predicaments, and Possibilities. National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2007).  Engaging Hard to Reach Parents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International

Reading Association, Toronto, Canada.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2006). Influence of family programs on preschool literacy development: issues, concerns, further

directions. Paper presented at the 56th National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2006). Envisioning new possibilities: Preparing literacy teachers for culturally and linguistically

diverse classrooms.  Paper presented at the 56th National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2006).  Parent stories and student literacy…What’s the connection?  Paper presented at the 51st annual

meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2005). Preparing teachers for urban classrooms: Changing attitudes, building understandings.

Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2005).  Homes as resources for nonfiction literacy.  Paper presented at National Geographical Society,

Washington, DC. 


Edwards, P. A. (May 2005). When parents resist involvement, and what we can do about it. Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2005). Training teachers for urban duty.  Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (April 2005).  Parent stories as a strategy for getting to know parents perceived as untrustworthy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.


Edwards, P. A.  (April 2005). The African American church: A beacon of light on the pathway to literacy. Paper presented as part of a symposium “Many Pathways to Literacy: Young Children Learning with Sibling, Grandparents, Peers, and Communities” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2004). Crossing over to Canaan: Engaging distinguished women and/or minority literacy scholars in critical tenure conversations.  Paper presented at the 54th National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2004). The role of technology in family literacy.  Paper presented at the 54th National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A.  (January 2004). Collecting/analyzing student literacy stories: A positive step in developing home and school partnerships. Paper presented at the 2004 National Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (January 2004).  Developing a scope and sequence of family involvement.  Paper presented at the 2004 National

Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2003). “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair!” Paper presented at the 53rd National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ


Edwards, P. A. (May 2003).  Making it Different for Urban Learners: Effective Reading Instruction for Urban Learners. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P. A.  (November 2001). Rethinking Home-School Connections in High Poverty Schools.  Paper presented at the 51st National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J. C., & McMillon, G. T. (November 2000). Using Parent Stories to Foster the Instructional Change Process in an Urban Elementary School.  Paper presented at the National Reading Conference 50th Anniversary Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J. C., McMillon, G.T., & Laier, B. (December 1999). Examining instructional networks: A tale of one urban elementary school.  Paper presented at the National Reading Conference annual meeting, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P.A. (November 1999). A path to follow: Learning to listen to parents. Paper presentation at the National Council for the Teachers of English annual meeting, Denver, CO.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1999). Developmentally Appropriate Practices for At-Risk Children: Strategies for Parent Involvement. Paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of the International Reading Association, San Diego, CA.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J., & Roberts, E. (March 1999).  Negotiating the Borderlands: How Head Start Students Acquire

Literacy.  Paper presented at the 20th annual Ethnography in Education Forum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J., & Pleasants, H. M. (December 1998). Are We on the Same Page? Administrators’ and Teachers’

Conceptions of “At-Riskness.”  Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1998). Reinventing Literacy Practices for At-Risk Students, Parents, and Teachers.  Paper presented at the Preconvention Institute at the 43rd International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1997). Supporting Children's Literacy Development at Home: Lessons from African-American Families. Paper presented at the Preconvention Institute at the 42nd International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1997).  Different Groups of Children Might Need Different Types of Literacy Experiences at School. Paper presented at the 42nd International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.  


Edwards, P. A. (May 1996).  Teaching low-income parents about family storybook reading: Learning from research. Paper presented at the Preconvention Institute at the 41st International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1996).  Combining parents' and teachers' thoughts about storybook reading at home and school. Paper presented at the International Reading Association 4th North American Conference on Adolescent/Adult

Literacy, Washington, DC.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1996). Identifiable roles low-income adolescent African-American mothers play during book sharing time. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Boston, MA.


Edwards, P. A. (February 1996). Parent stories of early literacy.  Paper presented at the 1996 World Conference on Literacy, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P. A. (November 1995). Connecting African-American parents and children to the school's reading curriculum.  Paper

presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, San Diego, CA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1995). The silenced dialogue revisited: What literacy approaches work with diverse populations. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1995). The infusion of multiculturalism into literacy curricula in teacher education programs. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (April 1995). Role of parents in responding to issues of linguistic and cultural diversity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, DC.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1995).  Involving our non-English speaking parents.  Paper presented at the 40thannual meeting of the

International Reading Association, Anaheim, CA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1995).  Parent involvement program: Combining parents' and teachers' thoughts about storybook reading

at home and school.  Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Anaheim, CA.


Fear, K. L., & Edwards, P. A. (April 1995).  A framework for analyzing teacher thinking about parental involvement and literacy instruction.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.


Edwards, P. A. (December 1994). Identifiable roles low-income play during book sharing time.  Paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Diego, California.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1994). Low-income mothers using cooperative groups to share books: A model for training low income mothers and fathers to share books with young children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Toronto, ON.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1994). Caregivers as partners in reading.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Toronto, ON.


 Edwards, P. A. (April 1994). Before and after school desegregation: African-American parents' involvement in schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A., & Fear, K. L. (April 1994). A collaborative model of family involvement in literacy at a professional development

school: Researchers, teachers, and parents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1993).  Creating a Structure for Parental Involvement: A Step in the Right Direction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Adult Educators, Dallas, TX.


Edwards, P. A., Norman, P. J. (December 1993). First Grade Parents' Perspectives on Emergent Literacy: The Missing Voices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Association, Charleston, SC.


Diamond, B., & Edwards, P. A. (December 1993). A culturally compatible curriculum for African-American students.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Association, Charleston, SC.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1993). Questioning at Home and at School: Revisited. Paper presented At the Fourteenth Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P. A. (April 1992). Non-mainstream Parents Reaching America's Education Goals Through Parent Coaching. Paper presented at the first National Conference On Family Literacy, Chapel Hill, NC.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1992). Moving From Novice to Expert: Nonmainstream Parents Critique Classroom Teachers' Modeling

of Effective Book Reading Strategies.  Paper presented at Thirteenth Annual University of Pennsylvania Ethnography Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1992).  An Intergenerational Model of Involving Parents and Children in Emergent Literacy.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P. A., Baker, J., Murchinson, J., & Bennett, G. (May 1992).  Facilitating  Parental Understanding of Their Children's

Development as Readers and Writers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association,

Orlando, FL.


Fear, K., & Edwards, P. A. (April 1992). Teachers' Learning About Organizational Leadership From the Action Science Perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.


Edwards, P.A., Boles, D.A., Dunham, N.L., & Harris, D.L. (December 1991). Bridging the Gap Between Home and School Around Sharing Time.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.


Fear, K., Edwards, P.A., & Roehler, L. (December 1991). A Critical Analysis of Collaboration:  Empowering Participation in Literacy Instruction Within Professional Development Schools.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.  


Edwards, P.A. (May 1991). Promoting Parental Understanding of the Importance of Language and Literacy.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Las Vegas, NV.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1991).  Literacy Learning for At-Risk Groups.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International

Reading Association, Las Vegas, NV.


Edwards, P.A. (April 1991).  Differentiated Parenting or Parentally Appropriate: The Missing Link in Efforts to Develop a Structure for Parent Involvement in Schools.  Paper presented at the Third Annual Roundtable on Home-Community School Partnerships, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P.A. & Wilkerson, P. (March 1991). Parents as Partners in Reading:  Its Implementation in Illinois.  Paper presented at the International Reading Association's conference on Adult and Adolescent Literacy, Banff, Alberta, Canada.


Edwards, P.A. (January 1990). An Intergenerational Literacy Model for Training Low-Income Minority Parents to Share Books

with Their Young Children.  Paper presented at the annual conference on Qualitative Research in Education.  The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.


Edwards, P.A. (February 1990).  Parents as Partners in Reading: A Family Literacy Training Program.  Paper presented at the

Laubach Literacy Action Biennial Conference, St. Louis, MO.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1990).  Using Parents to Support Reading Instruction Among Low SES Children.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.


Edwards, P.A., Gallego, M.A. (December 1990). Low-Income Mothers Using Cooperative Small Groups:  A Model for Training

Other Low-Income Parents to Share Books with Their Young Children.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Miami Beach, FL.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1990). School as a Macrocosm of Society:  Implications for Communicating with Diverse Parent Populations.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association.  Atlanta, GA.


Copeland, K.A., & Edwards, P.A. (December 1989).  Low-Income Mothers Supporting Their Children's Development in Writing. 

 Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P.A. & Garcia, G.E. (December 1989).  Developing Models for Improved Home-School Communication.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P.A., & Kerr, B.M. (December 1989).  Identifiable Roles Low-Income Mothers Play During Book Sharing Time.  Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P.A., & Garcia, G.E. (December 1989).  A Case Study of One Low-Income Mother Learning to Share Books with Her

Four-Year-Old Daughter.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (November 1989).  An Intergenerational Literacy Model for Training Low-Income Minority Parents to Share Books with Their Young Children.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1989).  Improving Literacy Learning in a Rural Community.  Paper presented at the Center for the Study of Reading annual Conference of Reading Research, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P.A., McGee, L., & Weems, N. (December 1988).  Interactions in Parent-Child Environmental Print Reading Events. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Tucson, AZ.


Edwards, P.A. & Panofsky, C. (December 1988).  The Effect of Two Training Procedures on Bookreading Interactions of Lower-

SES Headstart Mothers and Children.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Tucson, AZ.


Edwards, P.A., Jampole, E., & Weems, N. (December 1988).  Lower-SES Mothers' Learning of Bookreading Strategies.  Paper

            presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Tucson, AZ.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1988).  Teacher Techniques for Using Bibliotherapy in the Classroom.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Toronto.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1987).  Papers presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Anaheim, CA.


            A Book a Day Will Keep the Tutor Away

            Parent Reactions to Teacher Requests for Assistance

            Research Perspectives on Bibliotherapy

            Training Lower SES Mothers to Provide Scaffolding for Oral and Written Literacy.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1986).  Bibliotherapy: Where Do We Go From Here?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Philadelphia, PA.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1985).  Cultural Congruence and Reading Achievement:  The Role of Parents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA, May, 1985.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1985).  An Analysis of How a Selected Group of Parents Used Bibliotherapy.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (May 1984). Parenting and Bibliotherapy.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1984).  Teacher Decision Making:  What Are the Consequences?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P.A.  Reading Readiness for Secondary Students.  Paper presented at multiple meetings.


  • Ninth Southeastern Regional Reading Conference, Birmingham, AL, October 1983.

  • Eighth Southeastern Regional Reading Conference, Biloxi, MS, November 1982.  


Edwards, P.A. (May 1982).  Using Puppets in Primary Education.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.





Edwards, P. A., & White. K. L. (March 2019). Partnering with families for student success. Michigan Reading Association, Grand Rapids, MI.


Edwards, P. A., & White. K. L. (March 2017). Ten Tips for Literacy Instruction in a Diverse Classroom. Michigan Reading Association, Grand Rapids, MI.


Edwards, P. A. (Marc, 2016). Managing your classroom: Establishing rules, goals, and expectations. Michigan Reading Association, Detroit, MI. 


Edwards, P. A. & Wright, T. S. (March 2015). Reimagining the Michigan Reading Journal: What Michigan educators had to say.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Reading Association, Grand Rapids, MI.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1987).  Acquainting Classroom Teachers with Sensitive and Emotional Literature.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana State Reading Association, Shreveport, LA.


Edwards, P.A., & Michael, N. (March 1987).  Test Preparation Programs in the Elementary Schools in the East Baton Rouge Parish:  Philosophy, Focus and Practices.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Education Research Association, Baton Rouge, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1987).  Assessing Black High School Students' Interest in the Teaching Profession.  Paper presented at the Louisiana Seventh Annual Superintendent's Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.  


Edwards, P.A. (March 1986).  Teacher Perceptions of the Role of Parents in the School's Reading Program.  Annual meeting of the Louisiana State Reading Conference, Alexandria, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1986).  Parents' Use of the Louisiana Skill Calendars.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Education Research Association, Shreveport, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1985).  Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Education Programs.  Paper presented at the Statewide conference on Parents as Partners for Educational Excellence, sponsored by the Louisiana State Dept. of Education and the U.S. Department of Education, Baton Rouge, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1985).  Preparing Minorities for Teacher Competency Tests:  A State of the Art.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1984). Parenting and Bibliotherapy.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Reading Association, Monroe, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1982).  Reading Readiness for Secondary Students.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana State Reading Association, Shreveport, LA.






Edwards, P. A. (September 1995). Broadening the Issue of Equity and Diversity to Include Parent Stories of Literacy. Paper to

be presented at the Lansing School District second annual district wide inservice on equity and diversity, Everett High School, Lansing, MI.





International Level (Invited Keynote/Featured Addresses)


Edwards, P. A. (December 2020). Why should equitable and comprehensive early literacy instruction look like in 2020 and beyond. Virtual Panel sponsored by International Literacy Association (ILA) Digital Events Series.  


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. R. (October 2020). Family literacy: Past and present. Paper presented at International Literacy

Association (ILA) Virtual Next Series.


Edwards, P. A. (May 2019). Partnering with families for student success: An American perspective. Featured address given

at the Supporting Teachers to Work with Culturally, Linguistically, and Racially Diverse Students, Families, and Communities: A Two-Day International Symposium at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Vancouver, BC.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2014). Literacy, Globalization and Value Based Education.  Keynote address given at the University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya


Edwards, P.A. (April 2012).  Expanding Opportunities to Address Urban Illiteracy in the U.S. Keynote Address given at the 2012 World Literacy Summit, Oxford University, Oxford, England


Edwards, P.A. (May 2011). The Power of Literacy. Presidential Keynote Address given at the Opening General

Session, International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (May 2011). In the Beginning: Building the Foundations for Literacy Learning. Keynote Address given at the Early Literacy Pre-Convention Institute, International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P.A. (March 2010). Parent Stories: A Plan for Connecting Home and School. Keynote address given at the Massachusetts Reading Association, Sturbridge, MA.


Edwards, P. A. The Comprehension Revolution: Helping Teachers Take a Closer Look at the Reader, Text, Activity and Context.  Keynote address given at multiple meetings.

  • Asian Literacy Conference, Manila, Philippines, November 2010

  • Reading Association of India, October 2010

  • Bangladesh Reading Association, October 2010

  • Reading Association of Nigeria, August 2010

  • Western Cape Department of Education, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2010

  • Thailand Reading Association, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2009

  • Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2009

  • The Sixth International Conference on Literacy, Penang, Malaysia, October 2009


Edwards, P. A. Beyond the Basic Needs: From Food, Clothing, Shelter to Home Literacy Practices. Keynote address given at multiple meetings.


  •  St. Croix Reading Council of the International Reading Association, (St. Croix, Virgin Islands), March 2011.

  • Trinidad and Tobago Reading Association, (Trinidad & Tobago), March 2011.

  • Barbados Reading Association, December 2010

  • Bermuda Reading Association. February 2009


Edwards, P.A. (July 2010). Language Awareness between Teachers, Students and Families in the United States. Keynote address given at the 2010 Association for Language Awareness Conference, Kassel, Germany.


Edwards, P. A. (August 2009). Literacy in the 21st Century. Sixth Pan African Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2009). Literacy in the 21st Century. Bermuda Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (June 2003). Children’s literacy development: Making it happen through school, family and community development. Barbados Ministry of Education. Barbados.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2000). Stories That Can Change the Way We Educate. Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (February 1999). Stories That Can Change the Way We Educate. Bermuda Reading Conference. Bermuda.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1996). Examining Home-School Connections in International Settings.  Phi Delta Kappa Research Conference, Chapter 1530, Tokyo, Japan.


Edwards, P. A. (March 1995). Parents as Reading Partners. Trinidad and Tobago Reading Association, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.



National Level (Invited Keynote/Featured Addresses)


Edwards, P. A., & Peltier, M. R. (October 2020). Family literacy: Past and present. Paper presented at International Literacy

Association (ILA) Virtual Next Series.


Edwards, P. A. (November 2015). Preparing Educators Who Make a Difference in Our Diverse Communities. General Assembly Speaker at the Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers Annual Meeting, Costa Mesa, CA.


Edwards, P.A. (December 2013).  Cultural Competency, High Expectations for Each Student, The Promise of RTI. Keynote Address given at the 63rd Literacy Reading Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.


Edwards, P.A. (February 2012). Creating Sharing Time Conversations: Parents and Teachers Work Together. Featured Address given at the 2012 National Reading Recovery & K-6 Classroom Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P.A. (February 2012). In the Beginning: Building the Foundations for Literacy Learning.  Featured Address at the 2012 National Reading Recovery & K-6 Classroom Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P.A. (March 2012). Building a Foundation for Literacy Learning through Home School Connections. Featured Address given at the Houghton Mifflin Virtual Early Childhood Leadership Conference, Orlando, FL.


Edwards, P.A. Beyond the Basics Needs: From Food, Clothing, Shelter to Home Literacy Practices.  Keynote address given at multiple meetings:


  • Staff Development Educators, Las Vegas, NV, July 2012

  • Reading Recovery Conference, Columbus, OH, February 2012


Edwards, P.A. (July 2012). Reconceptualizing Literacy. Featured address given at the Staff Development Educators’ meeting, Las Vegas, NV.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2012).  At Risk Students: Portraits, Policies, Program and Practices. Featured address given at the Staff Development Educators’ meeting, Las Vegas, NV.


Edwards, P. A. (March 2012). Multiple Perspectives on Family Literacy Programs: Convergence, Controversy and Next Steps. Featured address given at the 22nd National Conference on Family Literacy, San Diego, CA.


Edwards, P.A. (August 2011). The State of Elementary Reading. Keynote address given at the National Sales Meeting, National Geographic, San Francisco, CA.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2011). Supporting Student Achievement Through Family and Community Involvement. Keynote address given at the Scholastic Classroom & Library Group Book Summit, Tampa, FL.


Edwards, P.A. (July 2010).  Differentiated Parenting: Integrating Parents and Families into the Continuum of Birth-Age Eight Education Systems. 2010 Reading Institute, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Anaheim, CA.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2010). Getting it Right: Engaging Families from Diverse Backgrounds to Support Children’s Learning and Development. Early Literacy Conference, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A. (November 2009). Tapping the Potential of Parents. Scholar in Residence at the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) 37th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Edwards, P.A. (May 2009). African American Parental Involvement in Literacy. Center on Race and Social Problems, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.


Edwards, P.A. (April 2009). Teaching Diverse Student Populations. Paper presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Literacy and Numeracy Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.


Edwards, P.A. (April 2009). No Nonsense Strategies for Creating Parent Involvement Initiatives. Paper presented at the annual meeting of OAASFEP Title 1/Federal Programs Spring Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2009). Creating Sharing Time Conversations: Parents and Teachers Working Together. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Phoenix, AZ.


Edwards, P. A. (October 2008).  The Role of Family Literacy Programs in the School Success or Failure of African American Families and Children. Keynote address given at the Ball Foundation, Chicago, IL.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2008). Engaging Hard to Reach Families. Keynote address given at the 2008 National Reading Recovery & K-6 Classroom Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (February 2008). Beyond the Basic Needs; From Food, Clothing, Shelter to Home Literacy Practices. Keynote address given at the 2008 National Reading Recovery & K-6 Classroom Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2004).  The Impact of Family on Literacy Development: Convergence, Controversy, and Instructional Implication. Keynote address given at the Fourth Annual CIERA Summer Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.


Edwards, P. A. (January 2004). Collecting/Analyzing Student Literacy Stories: A Positive Step in Developing Home and School

Partnerships.  Paper presented at the 2004 National Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (January 2004).  Developing a Scope and Sequence of Family Involvement. Paper presented at the 2004 National

Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Conference, Columbus, OH.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2003).  A Closer Look at Parent Stories of Early Literacy.  Paper presented at the Fourth Annual CIERA

Summer Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.


Edwards, P. A. (December 2002).  The Impact of Family on Literacy Development: Convergence, Controversy, and Instructional

Implication.  The 52nd Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (July 2002). Rethinking Parent Involvement in the Millennium.  Paper presented at the Third Annual CIERA Summer Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.


Edwards, P. A. Stories That Can Change the Way We Educate. Keynote address multiple meetings.


  • America’s Choice, Chicago, IL, February 2010.

  • National Even Start Conference, Washington, DC, November 2002.

  • Parents as Teachers National Center’s 11th Annual International Born to Learn Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 2002.

  • 4th Annual Parental Information and Resource (PIRC) Conference, Washington, DC, January 2002.

  • College Reading Conference, Orlando, FL, November 2001.

  • 46th Annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA, May 2001.

  • National Reading Recovery Conference, Columbus, OH, February 2001.


Edwards, P. A. (July 1998). Parent Involvement: How Deltas Can Help Young Women Catch the Dreams of Tomorrow.  44th National Convention of Delta Theta Sorority Inc., New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1997).  Examining Dialogues Used in Facilitating Parental Understanding of First Graders' Reading and Writing Development.  The 42nd annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.


Edwards, P. A. (May 1996). Uncloseting home literacy environments: Issues raised through the telling of parent stories. The 41st annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.


Edwards, P. A. (January 1995).  They Told Me I Couldn't Do It, But I Did It Anyway.  Annual National Holmes Scholars Network Dinner, Washington, DC.


Edwards, P.A. (November 1992).  Parent Involvement in Literacy Learning: Building Bridges and Mending Fences.  Third National Technical Assistance Workshop for the Student Literacy Corps, Houston, TX, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1992).  African-American Parents: A Key Ingredient in the Educational Achievement of African-American Children.  Annual Conference of the National Council on Educating Black Children, Hunt Valley, MD.


Edwards, P.A. (November 1991).  Working With Low Literate Parents and Children.  Second National Technical Assistance workshop for the Student Literacy Corps, Dallas, TX.  Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.


Edwards, P.A. (November 1991). Rethinking Parent Education:  Evolving Programs for Supporting Families.  NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) Conference, Denver, CO.


Edwards, P.A. (March 1991). Involving Parents and Community in Children's Literacy.  Asilomar Leadership Conference on Instruction in Reading and Language Arts, sponsored by Silver Burdett & Ginn, Monterey, CA.


Edwards, P. A. (July 1990).  Organizing and Implementing an Effective School America Program.  40th National Convention of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Miami Beach, FL.


Edwards, P. A. (April 1989).  Empowering the Community to Support Learning Through Intergenerational Literacy.  Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the National Community Education Association, Seattle, WA.


Edwards, P. A., & Anderson, R. C. (March 1989).  Facilitating the Literacy and Language Learning of At-Risk Students Through Programs for Teachers and Parents.  Literacy in a Diverse Society Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.



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