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Edwards, P. A., White, K. L.,  Hopkins, L. J., & Castle, A. M. (in preparation) Teaching with literacy Programs: Navigating literacy curriculum materials for more equitable instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.


Edwards, P.A., Spiro, R., Domke, L. M., Castle, A. M., White, K. L., Peltier, M. R. & Donohue, T. H. (2019). Partnering with families for student success: 24 scenarios for problem solving with parents. New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2016).  New ways to engage parents: Strategies and tools for teachers and leaders, K–12. New York:

Teachers College Press. Winner of the 2017 Kappa Delta Gamma International Society Educators Book Award.  Bestseller List for Teachers College Press since publication


Edwards, P. A. (2009). Tapping the potential of parents: A strategic guide to boosting student achievement through family involvement.  New York: Scholastic.


Edwards, P. A. (2004).  Children’s literacy development: Making it happen through school, family, and community involvement. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


Edwards, P. A., with Pleasants, H. M., & Franklin, S. H. (1999). A path to follow: Learning to listen to parents.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 12th Printing.


Edwards, P. A., McMillon, G. M. T.  & Turner, J. D., (2010). Change is Gonna Come: Transforming Literacy education for

African American children.  New York: Teachers College Press.  Winner of the Literacy Research Association’s 2011 Edward B. Fry Book Award.


Lazar, A. M., Edwards, P. A., & McMillon, G. T. (2012). Bridging literacy and equity: The essential guide to social equity

teaching.   New York: Teachers College Press. Bestseller List for Teachers College Press since publication


Li, G., & Edwards, P. A. (Co-Editors) (2010). Best Practices in ELL Instruction. New York: Guilford Press. 




Referred Book Chapters


Edwards, P. A., Domke, L. M. & Peltier, M. R.  (in press). Working with parents and the community.  In S. B. Wepner & D. Quatroche (Co-Editors), The Administration and supervision of Reading Programs, 6th edition.  New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P.A., & White, K. L. (in press). Partnering with African American parents in the United States: Implications for educators. In Li, G., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (Eds.), Superdiversity and teacher learning: Supporting teachers to work with culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse students, families, and communities. New York: Routledge.    


Paratore, J., & Edwards, P. A., & O’Brien (2019).  Building strong home, school, and community partnerships.  In

Lesley M. Morrow & Gambrell, L. (Eds.), Best Practices in Literacy Instruction 6th edition.  (pp. 408-428). New York: Guilford Press.


Edwards, P. A., (2018). A teacher educator’s plea to prepare preservice teachers for family/school collaborators.  In J. E. Justice F. B. Tenore (Eds). Becoming Critical Teacher Educators: Narratives of Resistance, Possibility, and Praxis. (pp. 61-69). New York: Routledge.


Edwards, P.A., Domke, L., & White, K. (2017). Closing the parent gap in changing school districts. In S. Wepner & D. Gomez (Eds.), Challenges facing suburban schools: Promising responses to changing student populations. (pp. 109-121).  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Edwards, P. A., Protacio, M.S., Peltier, M. R., & Hopkins, L. J. (2017).  Family literacy initiatives and reading comprehension.  In S. Israel (Ed).  Handbook on Reading Comprehension, 2nd edition.  (pp. 568-598). New York: Guilford Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2015).  Preparing Educators Who Make a Difference in Our Diverse Communities.  In R. D. Johnson, S. Vasinda & S. Szabo (Eds.). Literacy Educators and Researchers: Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities. The Thirty-Eighth Yearbook: A Double Peer-Reviewed Publication of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, 11-22.


Edwards, P. A. (2016). Relationships in personalized learning: Teacher, student, family. In M. Murphy, Redding, S. & J. Twyman (Eds.), Handbook on Personalized Learning for States, Districts, and Schools.  (pp. 189-204). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Edwards, P. A. & Peltier, M. R. (2016).  Family literacy movement.  In K. Chrisman, J. Pyles & D. Couchenour (Eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education.  (p. 200). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Edwards, P. A., & Piazza, S. V. (2015).  Literacy coaching and the ABCs of cultural understanding and communication: What’s the connection?  In C. Finbeiner & Lazar, A. (Eds.), Getting to Know Ourselves and Others Through the ABCs: A Journey Toward Intercultural Understanding.   (197-208). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Paratore, J., & Edwards, P. A., & O’Brien (2015).  Helping parents help children achieve the common core standards: Reading out in different ways.  In Lesley M. Morrow & Gambrell, L. (Eds.), Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, 5th edition.  (pp. 390-413). New York: Guilford Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2014). Integrating an all-white high school in the segregated south: Memories, challenges, and lessons learned.  In K. L. Bowman (Ed.), The pursuit of racial and ethnic equality in American public schools.  (pp. 83-96). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2014). Miss Pat’s Saturday School.  In L. Bridges (Ed.), Open a world of possible: Real stories about the joy and power of reading.   (pp. 189-191).  New York: Scholastic.


Edwards, P. A., Paratore, J., & Sweeney, J. (2014). Working with parents and the community.  In S. B. Wepner, D. S. Strickland, & D. Quatroche (Co-Editors), The Administration and supervision of Reading Programs, 5th edition.  (pp. 214-222). New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P.A. (2011). Differentiating family supports.  In S. Redding, M. Murphy, & P. Sheley (Co-Editors), Handbook on

Family Community Engagement (pp. 113-115). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Paratore, J. R., & Edwards, P. A. (2011).  Parent-teacher partnerships that make a difference in children’s literacy development.  In L. M. Morrow & Gambrell, L. B. (Eds.), Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, 4th edition. (pp. 436-454).  New York: Guilford Press.


Klinger, J., Dunsmore, K., & Edwards, P. A. (2011).  Assessing students with special needs.  In. P. P. Afflerbach, P. Schmidt, & J. D. Turner (Co-Editor, Assessment Section), Handbook of Research on Teaching English/Language Arts.  (pp. 336-342).  New York: Routledge.


Edwards, P. A. (2010). The role of family literacy programs in the school success or failure of African American families and children.  In D. Fisher & K. Dunsmore (Eds).  Bringing Literacy Home (pp. 184-202). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A., & Turner, J. D. (2010).  Do you hear what I hear?  Using parent stories to listen to and learn from African American parents.  In M. L. Dantas & P. Manyak (Eds.), Connecting & Learning with/from families: Disrupting deficit views. (pp. 137-155) New York: Routledge.


Turner, J.D., & Edwards, P. A. (2009).  Old tensions, new visions: Implications for teacher education programs, K-12 schools, and family literacy programs.  In G. Li (Ed.), Multicultural Families, Home Literacies, and Mainstream Schooling (pp. 246-268). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.


Edwards, P. A., Paratore, J., & Roser, N. (2009). Family literacy: Recognizing cultural significance. In L. M. Morrow, R. Rueda, & D Lapp (Eds.), Handbook on Research on Literacy Instruction: Issues of Diversity, Policy, and Equity (pp. 77-96).  New York: Guilford Press.aHanH


Edwards, P.A., & McMillon, G.M.T. (2008). Making vital home-school connections: Utilizing parent stories as a “lifeline” for developing successful early literacy experiences.  In A. DeBruin-Parecki, (Ed.), Here’s how, here’s why: Developing early literacy skills (pp. 87-99). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, a division of High/Scope Educational Research Foundation.


Edwards, P. A., & Turner, J.D. (2008).  Family literacy and reading comprehension.  In S. E. Israel & G. G. Duffy (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension (pp. 622-644) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


McMillon, G.M.T. & Edwards, P.A. (2008). Examining shared domains of literacy in the home, church and school of African American children.  In James Flood, Shirley Brice Heath, and Diane Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts, Volume II, (pp. 319-328). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Edwards, P. A. (2007).  Home literacy environments: What we know and need to know.  In M. Pressley, A. K. Billman, K. H. Perry, K. E. Reffitt, & J. M. Reynolds (Eds.), Shaping literacy achievement: Research we have, research we need (pp. 42-76).  New York: Guilford Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2006). Family literacy and technology: Challenges and Promising Constructive Designs.  In M. McKenna, L. Labbo, R. Kieffer, & D. Reinking (Eds.), Handbook of Literacy and Technology, Volume II (pp. 303-315). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. 


Edwards, P. A. (2003). Bridge article to IRA children’s right #7— “children have a right to reading instruction that involves

parents and communities in their academic lives.”  In P. Mason & J. Schumm (Eds.), Promising Practices for urban reading instruction (pp. 308-318). Newark, DEL: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A., McMillon, G. M. T., & Bennett, C. T. (2003). Mining of the fields of teacher education: Preparing teachers to teach African American students in urban schools.  In C. C. Yeakey, R., Henderson, R., M. Shujaa (Eds.), Surrounding all odds: Education, opportunity and society in the new millennium (pp. 389-409). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.


McMillon, G. T., Edwards, P. A. (2004).  The African American church: A beacon of light on the pathway to literacy for African American children.  In E. Gregory, S. Long, & D. Volk (Eds.), Many pathways to literacy: Young children learning siblings, grandparents, peers and communities (pp. 182-194). London: Routledge-Falmer (Taylor & Francis Books LTD).


Edwards, P.A., Danridge, J.C., McMillon, G.T., & Pleasants, H.M. (2001).  Taking ownership of literacy: Who has the power? In P.R. Schmidt & P.B. Mosenthal (Eds.), Reconceptualizing literacy in the new age of pluralism and multiculturalism (pp. 111-134). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.


Laier, B., Edwards, P. A., McMillon, G. T., & Danridge, J. C. (2001). Connecting home and school values through multicultural literature and family stories.  In P. R. Schmidt & A. W. Palliotet (Eds,) Exploring values through literature, multimedia, and literacy events: Making connections (pp. 64-75). Newark, DEL: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P.A. & Danridge, J.C. (2000). Developing collaborative relationships with parents: Some examples. In V. Risko & K. Bromley (Eds.), Collaboration for diverse learners: Viewpoints and practices (pp 251-272). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (1999). School-family connections: Why are they so difficult to create? In W. Dorsey Hammond & T. E. Raphael

(Eds.), Early literacy instruction for the new millennium. (pp. 73-90). Grand Rapids, MI: Michigan Reading Association, Ann Arbor, MI: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, University of Michigan, and Newark, DE: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A., Pleasants, H. M. (1998).  How can we provide for culturally responsive literacy instruction? In S. B. Neuman

& K. A. Roskos (Eds.), Children achieving: Best practices in early literacy (pp. 98-129). Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (1996). Before and after school desegregation: African American parents' involvement in schools.  In M. J. Shujaa (Ed.), Beyond desegregation: The politics of quality in African American schooling (pp. 138-161). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.  This chapter is adapted from an article in Educational Policy (September 1993).


Young, L.S., & Edwards, P. A. (1996). Parents, families, and communities: Opportunities for preservice teacher education.  In F. B. Murray (Ed.), The teacher educator's handbook: Building a knowledge base for the preparation of teachers (pp. 438-462). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.


Edwards, P. A. (1995).  Combining parents' and teachers' thoughts about storybook reading at home and school.  In L. M. Morrow (Ed.), Family literacy: Multiple perspectives to enhance literacy development (pp. 54-60). Newark, DEL: International Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (1995). Connecting African American families and youth to the school's reading program: Its meaning for school

and community literacy.  In V. L. Gadsden & D. Wagner (Eds.), Literacy among African American youth: Issues in learning, teaching and schooling (pp. 263-281). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.  


Edwards, P.A., & Garcia, G.E. (1995).  The implications of Vygotskian theory for the development of home-school programs:  A focus on storybook reading.  In V. John-Steiner, C. Panofsky & L. Smith (Eds.), Interactionist Approaches to Language and Literacy (pp. 243-264).  New York: Cambridge University Press.


Edwards, P. A., Fear, K. L., & Gallego, M. A. (1995). Role of parents in responding to issues of Linguistic and cultural diversity. In E. E. Garcia & B. M. McLaughlin (Eds.), Meeting the challenge of Linguistic and cultural diversity (pp. 141-153).  New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P. A. (1994). Responses of teachers and African American mothers to a book reading intervention program. In D. Dickinson (Ed.), Bridges of literacy: Children, families, and schools (pp. 175-208). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, Inc.


Edwards, P. A., Fear, K. L., & Harris, D. L. with Boles, D., Dunham, N. L., Baker, J., Bennett, G.,   Muchinson, J., Lacey, B., Williford, A., Nelson, J. (1994). Designing a collaborative model of family involvement in literacy: Researchers, teachers and parents working together.  In D.  F. Lancy (Ed.), Children's emergent literacy: Social and cognitive processes (pp. 325-340).    Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.


Gadsden, V. L., & Edwards, P. A. (1994). Defining features in family literacy practice and research.  In A. Purvis & N. Washehull (Eds.), Encyclopedia of English Studies and Language Arts. New York: Scholastic.


Sulbzy, E., & Edwards, P. A. (1993).  The role of parents in supporting literacy development of young children. In B. Spodek & O. N. Saracho (Eds.), Language and literacy in early childhood education, Yearbook in Early Childhood Education, Vol. 4 (pp. 156-177). New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P.A., (1991).  Fostering early literacy through parent coaching.  In E. Hiebert (Ed.), Literacy for a Diverse Society: Perspectives, Programs, and Policies (pp. 199-213).  New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P.A., & Garcia, G.E. (1991).  Parental involvement in mainstream schools: An issue of equity.  In M. Foster (Ed.), Readings on Equal Education Qualitative Investigations into Schools and Schooling (pp. 167-187).  New York: AMS Press.


Edwards, P.A., (1990). Establishing home/school partnerships with minority parents:  Strategies and techniques.  In A. Barona & E. E. Garcia (Eds.), Children at Risk: Poverty, Minority Status, and Other Issues in Educational Equity (pp. 217-236).  Washington, D.C.:  National Association of School Psychologists.


Edwards, P.A., (1989).  Strategies and applications of bibliotherapy.  In J.E. Bernstein & M.K. Rudman (Eds.), Books to Help Children Cope with Separation and Loss (pp. 47-84).  New York: Bowker Publishing Company.


Edwards, P.A. (1989).  Supporting lower SES mothers' attempts to provide scaffolding for book reading.  In J. Allen & J. Mason (Eds.), Risk Makers, Risk Takers, Risk Breakers: Reducing the Risk for Young Literacy Learners (pp. 225-250).  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Edwards, P.A. (1987).  Working with families from diverse backgrounds.  In D.S. Strickland & E.J. Cooper (Eds.), Educating Black children: America's challenge (pp. 92-104).  Washington, D.C.:  Howard University, Bureau of Educational Research, School of Education.


Edwards, P. A. (1983). Readiness assessment and development.  In R. DeSanti (Ed.), Teachers' needs and concerns regarding reading instruction: Findings, strategies, and applications (pp. 101-123). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.




Book Review


Edwards, P.A., & Domke, L. Talking Back and Looking Forward: An Educational in Poetry and Prose. Teachers College

Record. Date Published: September 27, 2016.




Peer-reviewed articles (in either print or digital form)


Edwards, P. A., & White, K. L., & Bruner, L.E. (2019). Adopting and adapting Michigan’s tenth essential literacy practice: Collaborating with families.  Michigan Reading Journal, 51(3), 37-46.


Edwards, P. A., & White, K. L. (2018).  Working with Racially, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Learners, Families and Communities: Strategies for Preparing Preservice Teachers.  Journal of Family Diversity in Education, 3(1), 1-22.


Protacio, M. S., Edwards, P. A. (2015). Restructuring sharing time for English learners and their parents.  The Reading Teacher, 68 (6), 413-421.


Mokhtari, K., Niederhauser, D., Beschorner, B., & Edwards, P. A. (2011). Filtering out, analyzing, and diagnosing literacy difficulties. The Reading Teacher,64(8), 631-635.


Mokhtari, K., Hutchison, A C., & Edwards, P. A (2010). Organizing instruction for struggling readers in tutorial settings.  The

Reading Teacher. 64(4), 287-290.


Mokhtari, K., Porter, L., & Edwards, P. A (2010). Responding to reading instruction in a primary-grade classroom. The Reading Teacher 63 (8), 692-697.


Dail, A. R., McGee, L. M., & Edwards, P.A. (2009).  The role of community book club in changing literacy practices. Literacy Teaching and Learning 13 (1& 2), 25-56.


Edwards, P. A., Porter, L., & Norman, R. (2009). Self-reflection, reading recovery teachers, and parent involvement: What’s the connection?  The Journal of Reading Recovery. 9 (1), 45-52.


Mokhtari, K., Thoma, J., & Edwards, P. A. (2009). How one Midwestern elementary school uses data to help raise students’ reading achievement. The Reading Teacher 63(4), 334-337.


Mokhtari, K., Kymes, A., Edwards, P. A. (2008). Assessing the new literacies of online reading comprehension: An informative interview with W. Ian O’Byrne, Lisa Zawilinski, Greg McVerrry, and Donald J. Leu at the University of Connecticut.  The Reading Teacher. 62(8), 354-357.


Edwards, P. A.  (2008). The education of African American students: Voicing, the debates, controversies, and solutions. NRC Presidential Address.  In D. W. Rowe, R. Jimenez, D. Compton, D. Dickinson, Y.Kim,  K. Leander, V. Risko. (Eds.), 57th Yearbook of the National reading Conference (pp. 1-30). Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.


Edwards, P. A., Turner, J. D., & Mokhtari, K (2008). Balancing the assessment of learning and for learning in support of student literacy achievement.  The Reading Teacher, 61(8), 682-684.


Washington, R. D., Bauer, Eurydice, Edwards, P.A., & Thompson, G. W. (2008). Self-Portraits of Black Women Scholars’ Literacy and Identity. In D. W. Rowe, R. Jimenez, D. Compton, D. Dickinson, Y.Kim,  K. Leander, V. Risko. (Eds.), 57th Yearbook of the National reading Conference (pp. 341-356). Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.


Mokhtari, K., Rosemary, C. A., Edwards, P. A. (2007). Making instructional decisions based on data: What, how, and whyThe Reading Teacher, 61(4), 354-359.


Klingner, J., & Edwards, P. A., (2006). Cultural considerations with response to intervention models. Reading Research Quarterly, 3 (2), 140-157.


Turner, J. D., & Edwards, P. A. (2006). When it’s more than you, Jesus, and the pencil: Reflections on an academic writing

mentorship. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 50 (3), 172-178.


Edwards, P. A. (2006). Listening to our base: A message for teachers.  New England Reading Association Journal, 41(2), 7-10.


Edwards, P. A. (2003). The impact of family on literacy development: Convergence, controversy, and instructional

implications.  NRC Annual Review of Research Address.  In J. V. Hoffman, D. L. Shallert, C. M. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, & B. Maloch (Eds.), 52nd Yearbook of the National reading Conference (pp. 92-103). Milwaukee, WI: National Reading Conference.


Edwards, P. A. (2002). Stories that can change the way we educate.  In P. E. Linder (Ed). Celebrating the faces of literacy 

College Reading Association Yearbook (pp. 20-30).  Commerce, TX: The College Reading Association.


Edwards, P. A. (2002). Toward wide-spread literacy: The library—A family place.  The Newsletter of the Comprehensive

Center—Region VI, 7 (1), 8-10.


Edwards, P.A., McMillon, G. T., Turner, J. D., & Laier, B. (2001). Who are you teaching? Coordinating instructional networks

around the students and parents, you serve. The Reading Teacher, 55(2), 146-150.


Edwards, P. A. (2000) But how can I get parents involved?  The power of learning to listen to parents.  Family

fundamentals for reading. Michigan State Department of Education, Lansing, MI.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J. C., & Pleasants, H. M. (2000). Exploring urban teachers’ and administrators’ conceptions of

“at-riskness.”  CIERA Report # 2-010.  Ann Arbor, MI: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, University of Michigan.


McMillon, G. T., & Edwards, P. A. (2000). Why does Joshua 'hate' school, but 'love' Sunday School? Language Arts

November 2000 Themed Issued "The Making of a Reader and Writer,” 78(2), 111-120.


Edwards, P. A. (2000). The library as family room.  Ohio Libraries, Winter Issue, 18-21.


Danridge, J. C., Edwards, P. A., & Pleasants, H. M. (2000). Making kids winners: New perspectives about literacy from

urban elementary school principals.  The Reading Teacher May 2000 Themed Issue on "Voices of the other,” 56 (8), 654-662.


Edwards, P. A., Danridge, J. C., & Pleasants, H. M. (1999). Are we on the same page? Exploring administrators' and

teachers' conceptions of "at-riskness in an urban elementary school."  In T. Shanahan & F. V. Rodriguez-Brown (Eds.), 48th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 329-339). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.


Edwards, P. A., & Pleasants, H. M. (1997). Uncloseting home literacy environments: Issues raised through the telling of parent stories. Early Child Development and Care, vols. 127-128, 27-46.


Edwards, P. A. (1996). Creating sharing time conversations: Parents and teachers work together.  Language Arts, 73(5), 344-349.


Edwards, P. A., & Mikkelson, H. (1996).  Parent stories: A promising strategy for thinking about home-school connections. Illinois Schools Journal, 76(1), 32-40.


Fear, K. L., Edwards, P. A., with Lacey, B., LaMarra, J., Nelson, J., & Williford, A. (1995). Building a democratic learning community within a PDS. Teaching Education, 7(2), 13-24.


Edwards, P. A. (1995).  Empowering low-income mothers and fathers to share books with young children. The Reading Teacher,

48(7), 558-564.


Edwards, P. A. (1994). Is reading to children a universal practice in a culturally diverse society? Illinois Reading Council Journal, 22 (1), 7-11.


Edwards, P. A. (1993). Before and after school desegregation: African-American parent involvement in schools. Educational Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy and Practice, 7(3), 340-369.


Edwards, P. A. (1992). Involving parents in building reading instruction for African-American children. In Literacy and the African-American Learner Special Issue of Theory into Practice, XXXI (4), 350-359.


Edwards, P. A., & Young, L. S. (1992). Beyond parents: Family, community and school involvement. Phi Delta Kappan, 74(1),



Michael, N., & Edwards, P.A., (1991).  Test preparation programs: Counselors' views and involvement.  The School Counselor, 39 (2), 98-102.  


Edwards, P.A., Beasley, K. & Thompson, J. (1991).  Teachers in transition:  Accommodate reading curriculum to cultural diversity.  The Reading Teacher, 44 (6), 436-437.


Copeland, K., & Edwards, P.A. (Spring, 1990).  Towards understanding the roles parents play in supporting young children's developmental writing.  Early Child Development and Care, 56, 11-17.


Edwards, P.A., & Panofsky, C.P. (1989).  The effect of two training procedures on the book reading of lower-SES mothers and children.  In S. McCormick & J. Zutell (Eds.), Cognitive and Social Perspectives for Literacy Research and Instruction, 38th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, (pp. 135-143).  Chicago:  National Reading Conference.


Edwards, P.A., & Lowe, J.L. (1988).  Young adult books dealing with the growing crisis of teenage suicide.  High School Journal, 72, 40-45.


Shade, B.J., & Edwards, P.A., (1987).  Ecological correlates of the educative style of Afro-American children.  Journal of Negro Education, 56, 88-99.


Edwards, P.A. (1986/87).  Parent use of the Louisiana Skill Calendars. Louisiana Education Research Journal, 13, 33-38.


Edwards, P.A., & Simpson, L. (1986).  Bibliotherapy:  A strategy for communication between parents and their children.  Journal of Reading, 30, 110-118.


Edwards, P.A., & Thurston, D.A. (1986).  Preparing minorities for teacher competency tests:  A state of the art.  Urban Educator, 8, 135-140.


Thurston, D.A., & Edwards, P.A., (1985-86).  A survey of black high school students' interest in the teaching profession.  Louisiana Education Research Journal, 7, 38-42.


Edwards, P.A. (1979).  Have attitudinal surveys about reading been fair to the secondary teacher?  Journal of Reading, 23, 21-24.


Non-peer-reviewed articles


Edwards, P. A. (2016). Managing your classroom: Establishing rules, goals, and expectations. Michigan Reading Association, 48 (2), 38-43.


Hopkins, L. J., White, K. L., Wright, T. S., & Edwards, P. A.  (2015). What’s hot and what’s not in Michigan: Improving literacy across the State.  Michigan Reading Association, 48 (1), 8-12.




Articles Under Review in Peer-Reviewed Journals


Edwards, P.A., Peltier, M. R., & Porter, L. (under review).  Connecting Home and School Literacies in the Classroom. School Community Journal. The impact factor is 6.929.




Works in Preparation


Piazza, S. V., & Edwards, P.A. Deconstructing Fifteen Years of Elementary Reading Achievement Trends in a Racially Segregated School District. Reading Research Quarterly.  Fall 2020


Edwards, P. A., White, K. L., Bruner, L. E., & West, J.  Parents Reading to Their Children: The Impact of Huey’s Prediction over 100 years later. Reading Research Quarterly. Fall 2020


McNair, J., & Edwards, P.A. The Literacy of Rudine Sims Bishop: Mirrors, Windows, and More.  Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice. Fall 2020




Invited Publications such as columns/articles/forewords


Edwards, P.A. (2021) Foreword.  In B.J. Guzzetti (Ed.) Genders, Cultures and Literacies: Understanding Intersecting Identities. New York: NY: Routledge. 


Edwards, P. A. (2020). Three Cheers for Pre-K Expert Whitepaper on Family Engagement. Research into practice. Paramus,

NJ: Savvas Learning Company.


Edwards, P. A. (2016). Foreword. (pp. vii-ix). In Troy Hicks, Anne Elrod Whitney, James Fredricksen, & Leah Zuidema

Coaching Teacher-Writers: Practical Steps to Nurture Professional Writing. New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2013). Foreword.  In Stuart Greene, Race, community, and urban schools: Partnering with African American

families (pp. vii-viii). New York: Teachers College Press.


Edwards, P. A. (2012). Foreword.  In Rona Flippo (Ed.). Reading researchers in search of common ground: The“expert study” revisited (pp. x-xiii). NewYork: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.


Lazar, A. M., Edwards, P. A., & McMillon, G. T. (2012). Literacy beyond the mainstream: Bridging pedagogy and social equity. Reading Today, (30), 22-23. 


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